Z ostatniej chwili / Last minute news 2
Wpisze pare slow, korzystajac z tego, ze jest wolny komp (a o to ostatnio trudno). W piatek mielismy cos robic, ale Aska dostala na raz zapalenia gardla od wariackiej klimatyzacji, ktora jest tu wszedzie (nie bez powodu) i jakiegos zatrucia pokarmowego, wiec rozlozyla sie kompletnie. Zdecydowalismy sie zatem pozostac w domu i troche popracowac na blogiem i innymi rzeczami. Ja poszedlem do kafejki netowej a Asia zostala w domu, w akompaniamencie glosnego wycia TV dobiegajacego z drugiego pokoju. Okazalo sie, ze nami koszerni koledzy zwiedzaja miasto tylko w nocy (moze nie przywykli jeszcze do zmiany czasu) chodzac od imprezki do imprezki, lub w ogole, a w dzien odsypiaja, ewentualnie walaja sie przed HBO i gapia w TV nonstop. Ciekawy sposob zwiedzania. Coz przynajmniej nocleg maja za darmo :)
Korzystajac z wychodnego sam na sam, rzucilem sie w objecia pierwszej napotkanej fryzjerki, bo moje kudly zaczynaly byc mocno denerwujace w tym klimacie. Zostalem potraktowany po krolewsku, lacznie z kawa i woda mineralna. Czy juz mowilem, ze podoba mi sie w Brazylii? Potem "chwilka" w kafejce poswiecona ladowaniu zdjec, aby czytelnicy mieli czym cieszyc oczy i wrocilem do domu.
Okazuje sie, ze pojawili sie nowi goscie, a w zasadzie "gostki". Dwie dziewczyny z Francji, ktore mialy zajechac na karanawal przyjechaly z tygodniowym opoznieniem. Dlatego wlasnie dostep do komputera staje sie coraz bardziej utrudniony. Tlok. Chyba jestesmy na wylocie :) A wiec dzis wieczorem do Ouro Preto, a potem stamtad w poniedzialek lecim do Salvadoru. Dozo.
I`ll just write a few words, since the computer is available (which has not been the case lately). On Friday we were supposed to do something, but Aska got a sore throat (from the rampant air conditioning everywhere here) and some food poisoning at the same time, so she was almost unable to move. We decided to stay in and work on our blog a bit and some other stuff maybe. I went to an e-cafe and Aska stayed at home, accompanied by the loud noise of TV from the other room. Turns out our kosher friends only visit the city at night (if ever, maybe they`re still not over the jetlag, tee hee hee!) partying around and during the day they lay about watching HBO all the time. Interesting way to visit places. Well,at least their accommodation is free :)
While I was out, I got seduced by a nice hairdresser, and rightly so because my longish hair started to be really unnerving with the heat steaming around. I got a royal treatment, including a coffee and a mineral water. Did I say I love Brazil? Then I took a "moment" at the e-cafe to upload the photos, so you may feast your eyes on something and I got back home.
It turns out new guests had arrived in the meantime. Two girls from France, who were supposed to get here for the carnival came with a week`s delay, which is why the computer is getting increasingly unavailable. Too much crowd in here! Guess it`s time to hit the road for real now. So tonight we`re off to Ouro Preto and from then we fly to Salvador, hopefully on Monday.
Korzystajac z wychodnego sam na sam, rzucilem sie w objecia pierwszej napotkanej fryzjerki, bo moje kudly zaczynaly byc mocno denerwujace w tym klimacie. Zostalem potraktowany po krolewsku, lacznie z kawa i woda mineralna. Czy juz mowilem, ze podoba mi sie w Brazylii? Potem "chwilka" w kafejce poswiecona ladowaniu zdjec, aby czytelnicy mieli czym cieszyc oczy i wrocilem do domu.
Okazuje sie, ze pojawili sie nowi goscie, a w zasadzie "gostki". Dwie dziewczyny z Francji, ktore mialy zajechac na karanawal przyjechaly z tygodniowym opoznieniem. Dlatego wlasnie dostep do komputera staje sie coraz bardziej utrudniony. Tlok. Chyba jestesmy na wylocie :) A wiec dzis wieczorem do Ouro Preto, a potem stamtad w poniedzialek lecim do Salvadoru. Dozo.
I`ll just write a few words, since the computer is available (which has not been the case lately). On Friday we were supposed to do something, but Aska got a sore throat (from the rampant air conditioning everywhere here) and some food poisoning at the same time, so she was almost unable to move. We decided to stay in and work on our blog a bit and some other stuff maybe. I went to an e-cafe and Aska stayed at home, accompanied by the loud noise of TV from the other room. Turns out our kosher friends only visit the city at night (if ever, maybe they`re still not over the jetlag, tee hee hee!) partying around and during the day they lay about watching HBO all the time. Interesting way to visit places. Well,at least their accommodation is free :)
While I was out, I got seduced by a nice hairdresser, and rightly so because my longish hair started to be really unnerving with the heat steaming around. I got a royal treatment, including a coffee and a mineral water. Did I say I love Brazil? Then I took a "moment" at the e-cafe to upload the photos, so you may feast your eyes on something and I got back home.
It turns out new guests had arrived in the meantime. Two girls from France, who were supposed to get here for the carnival came with a week`s delay, which is why the computer is getting increasingly unavailable. Too much crowd in here! Guess it`s time to hit the road for real now. So tonight we`re off to Ouro Preto and from then we fly to Salvador, hopefully on Monday.
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